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Light Up Cincinnati

Cincinnati Bell 360* Campaign


A month into my internship with Curiosity Advertising I was given the opportunity to attempt writing some TV spots for Cincinnati Bell's Light Up Cincinnati 360* campaign. Originally I thought commercial spots were supposed to be written with an insane amount of detail, so my first attemt included page-long diagrams and descriptions. Once I figured out that they were supposed to be rather short snippits just explaining the basic idea or highlighting the important points of the concept, it was much easier.  Still, I do wish they had come out better. Reading them now, I can't say that I love any of them, but at least they show how much progress I've made!


At month two I got to try my hand at writing radio ads. I was particularly excited for this because I have always wanted to actually be the voice over person. I love audiobooks and listen to them almost constantly, so I really understand and feel the power and different emotions that the spoken word has and can convey.  I still love these radio ads, and I may go back and take a stab at TV again now that I've had my "AHA" moment about tying the product into every part of the commercial but still making it interesting. ENJOY!!!!


Just to recap: TV was written 1 month before Radio. Check both out to see the difference a single month can make! 

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